
[tabs slidertype=”top tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]The camp[/tabtext]a[tabtext]ign moti[/tabtext]v[tabtext]ation how [/tabtext]t[tabtext]o help goa[/tabtext]l[tabtext]s re[/tabtext]w[/tabcontainer]a[tabcontent]r[tab]ds welcome to EveryZ's collective funding campaign!

Hello how are you?

I am Adail Horst, in the mid-2009 I began in a totally unpretentious way to develop something that came to add several important features to a software that is already practically a market standard.
This plugin has had more than 15,000 downloads and generates me constantly called support and suggestions for new features, which was good to know that the code was not useful only to me.

It has grown greatly in functionalities which leads me to have to assemble a team to constantly implement the improvements and innovations that you both desire.[/tab] [tab]Why this campaign?

Keeping the improvements in Zabbix-Extras/EveryZ and developing new features costs time and money and, a common phrase in the free software universe, increasingly applies to the project: "The software is free, lunch is not free".

This reality makes me, with increasing and annoying constancy, have to choose between what I need to do and what I like to do. What was born as a report (or a module), today has more than 15 modules/patches and have already had to "sacrifice" the permanence of two modules, for total impossibility of time to convert them to the new versions of Zabbix, with the available time I have. To exemplify, one of these modules has more than 3,000 lines of code and was originally made for Zabbix 1.6… As we are in Zabbix 3.2, imagine the amount of changes that will be needed…

In the last seven years I have been using my hours off to keep the project, however, my hours off are getting smaller and shorter. My goal of this campaign is that I can give more focus on EveryZ (new name of the project), keeping those involved in the development of the project increasingly engaged, both in improvement and in support.

[box type=”info”] Stay calm!

Regardless of the result obtained here, the project will not end as long as we have strength. [/box]

After that, all the generated code will be on GITHUB. Soon anyone can continue the work, because it has always been free and always will be (GPL in the vein!!!).

With your assistance we will only have more time available, more concrete planning and build a grid of priorities and functionalities, coordinated by more thinking heads.[/tab] [tab]Right! I understand the situation and the proposal. Now, how can I help?

If you want to support us in this endeavor, just choose a monthly plan that fits your budget:D.

If you cannot contribute, there is no problem, you will continue to have normal access to what is developed and published and there are other ways to contribute that do not involve your money, for example: disclose on social networks this campaign or give like in the videos We produce on Youtube (watching them until the end of course!), test the beta versions!

To contribute to this campaign just click on support at the top of this page, choose a support plan and the amount that can contribute monthly. From there, a monthly collaboration will be made, which can be in bank billet or credit card. Whatever's best for you. The project has already had more than 15,000 unique facilities. We are sure that with the help of all, it will be possible to beat the most daring goals! Those who help, even with lower values, will have many legal rewards, such as: Early access to the training videos produced and the exclusive group on social networks. Here on the side, has the goals and issues that we would like to improve on this project and, even if we do not achieve the goals, we intend to do these things someday. These are things that will give us a lot of work, so we have prioritized others that we can deliver with less time. Achieving the goals will allow us to devote more time to the project, which helps all of us in our day to day. Reinforcement that our goal has always been and always will be to produce the best set of functionalities in the best possible way and that this includes dialogue with stakeholders. If we find that the is not the best way, we can look for other solutions! But don't worry, EveryZ was born GPL and so will continue: free and open source! Come on, be a godfather/godhead of E[/tab]v[tab]eryZ! REWARDS/PLANS

  • R $1.00-I just want to help

You help the project and you have our eternal gratitude!!! Thanks!!!

  • R $5.00-Zé is very nice!

Me and Zé (that black kitten who is the mascot of Zabbix Extras), which makes some people have superstitious visions, we appreciate your cooperation. To demonstrate that we are grateful, you will have early access to the videos we produce.

-Early content.

R $15.00-I think Zé can be even better

Have you always wanted to have a group to talk to us about the development of the tool, its directions and possibilities? Now EveryZ will have a unique channel and you will be one of the fortunate ones with exclusive access to it.

But that's not all! When prize sweepstakes occur, you will participate! This channel will be one of the main forms of communication with our team. We will have polls about features and tool paths.

-All the previous advantages.

-Access to exclusive groups

-Name listed as contributor on the official website (

-Various polls (such as the prioritization of functionality development)


R $35.00-EveryZ Rules!

Thanks! I believe you have a vision similar to mine: it is smarter to help, in one way or another, free software than having to buy eternally proprietary software. It goes cheaper, the result is a market view (not only our vision), it is sustainable and helps the economy (after all there are no royalties going to any Silicon Valley company).

-All previous advantages;

-Help in installing EveryZ in your environment;

-Book "from A to Zabbix" autographed with the phrase dedicatory that you choose (KKKK does not use that I will not make declaration of love or similar things… EHEHEHHE).

Note. If you already have the book and want it to be forwarded to some library, please indicate the one of your choice that we will send there!

Obs2. The book will be sent after the fourth monthly (acquisition and shipping costs).

R $70.00-EveryZ always Evolving!

HAAA MuleKi!!! You really want EveryZ to grow as a solution and believe that free software can and will always help in your projects.

-All previous advantages;

-Prioritization in answering support calls;

-A vacancy in any EAD I come to create, which is available for purchase by the general public;

R $150.00-Are we going to create new things?

XIII now the business is getting serious!!! In addition to the existing features, do you still want to influence the new features being implemented?

So let's go! It's a double-handed relationship with commitment from both sides! In this sponsorship plan, you can suggest, every year, a module of EveryZ.

That will be developed for the Web interface of Zabbix and maintained for up to 12 months. As it is a community work, it will be necessary, however, that at least 50% of the godparents agree with the new module and that it is feasible to be developed. The licensing, of course, will be GPL.

In addition we need to have reached at least the second goal of sponsorship (let's go… Share this campaign… The more people engaged… Development power for the project).

-All previous advantages

-Access to exclusive lives on monitoring and resolutions of doubts

-Can you suggest subjects for lives and videos

-Development direction

R $350.00-I want to create my own things!

As important as taking the fruits of a beautiful tree, without any doubt, is to plant the trees that will generate the next fruits!

Do you have your specific needs in your organization and want to create your own customizations with your internal team? It is highly probable that we have already studied the part of Zabbix, which you will have to reverse engineer, of what you will need.

So why not take advantage to share with you this knowledge, in a personalized way?

-All previous advantages

-Support in the development of its own modules (technical support), regardless of their purpose (GPL or internal use)

R $1,500.00-Send it… What do we need to do?

Guys, this reward is here as a joke, I really don't believe anyone will contribute this amount every month! But if you paint a madman to do so, you can choose a module to be developed that, if technically feasible, will be placed in the development queue with full priority.

-All previous advantages

-Influence on development targeting without needing a vote CU[/tab]M[tab]ULATIVE TARGETS

R $300.00-Inauguration of groups on Facebook and Telegram.

-Yes, at this point the campaign really begins and the goals begin to have to be published and fulfilled.

R $1,000.00-planning of functionalities and periodicity in deliveries.

-Annual planning of functionalities, monthly publication of opinion polls and new builds.

-Minimum of a new module per year

R $1,700.00-Video lessons and lives.

-Every month we will have a video with two subjects chosen by you in voting among the godparents.

R $2,800.00-Video lessons and lives.

-Every month we will have two videos with two subjects chosen by you in voting among the godparents.

-Minimum of two new modules per year, duly documented with video lessons of use.[/tab] [/tabcontent] [/tabs]

Having said all this, we will participate in this project?

Donation Value Title